Thursday, April 20, 2017

Items of Power: Part 2

A staff is an incredibly powerful magic item. Up to 4 Power and 1 spell can be stored within it. If you use a staff as a weapon, it is a magical quarterstaff. To use a staff you must know its name and you must be able to cast sorcery spells. You may use the Power stored within the staff to cast spells you know. Likewise, you can cast the spell stored within it using your Power. Once the staff is sapped of Power it regains only 1 Power each day.
Ákos: Ákos in Keleti means white falcon. It is the staff of Aliz Eszes, the last remaining member of her family. Aliz was gifted Ákos in the Free City by her mentor and friend Ewart Bellamy, a wizard of some renown. This ashen white staff, tall and smooth has a large crystal imbedded at its topmost point. The staff houses a single extraordinary spell, Outside Time. Perhaps because of its nature Ákos also protects its owner from other temporal effects.
Daron: Oswin ever the romantic and scholar, named his staff for the Grey’s goddess of writing and language. Made from strong cherry wood, Daron has been with Oswin for over half a century. There is no spell stored within Daron. Instead it possesses the ability to modify spells with metamagic. What’s more, it seems to have a mind of its own and will modify spells as it sees fit, depending on the target or intentions.
Rædenna:  The Rædenna are a symbol of the Free City’s ruling body, the High Council. There are nine, one for each council member. Created by the first of the Optimits, they appear as if splintered from solid rock. Each Ræden is unique, thin and a different shade of slate, they are also heavy and cumbersome, it’s a wonder all the Rædenna have survived unbroken. Every Ræden possesses a unique spell and act as keys. Only with a Ræden can one enter the most secret places in the city. Separately, that is the extent of their power. However, together the Rædenna are able to perform special magic. Each Ræden contains a shard of a spell. Nine Rædenna can cast spells such as the Spell of Lingering Darkness (a rare spell unknown to others in the Free Realm and thought only to exist in a single scroll in Anyavera).
Edmund Dulac
Wands are exceedingly rare. A wand bears no power in and of itself. Instead, magic is channeled through it. It can have any shape– a stick, shaft of wood, figurine, and so on. Wands have 3 basic types, one that adds, one that changes, and one that produces. All types of wands require a spell cast into them.  
Adelaida’s Charm: A small silver trinket, Adelaida’s Charm is detailed with engravings of swans. This fragile charm produces a numbing sensation when held. Casting an evocation spell with Adelaida’s Charm alters the spell so that it can interact with incorporeal things.
Aelan: When the high priestess faced hordes of the enemy, Aelan, was a beacon in choking darkness. Its light smote down Serra’s foes in a purifying blaze. There was hope in the screams of her enemies, in their agony. When you cast a spell expending 3 or more Power, Aelan produces destructive white fire. Target creature or object within 50 ft. bursts into flames dealing 1d6 damage per Power. Targets reduced to 0 Life are rendered to ash.
Anydros: There is inherent magic in Anydros. A perfect crystal sphere, water won’t touch it. Anydros is a treasure of House Athelon. The sphere predates the study of magic and indeed its believed to be older than the aelfs. All Danons are free to study the mystery of its power, but few are able to take it from the gardens. If one feeds Power into Anydros, the radius of its water aversion increases ten fold per Spell Dice.
Behelen: A slender, crooked piece of black metal, Behelen is unremarkable, but when a spell is cast through it, the crooked rod begins to twist and writhe. Behelen never quite appears the same as its shape changes with each spell. This wand turns any visual aspect of a spell invisible.
Belucan: A small broken music box, Belucan seems little more than a curious bauble. Even when a spell is cast upon it, it does nothing, but perform a counterspell with it then the music box begins to play. Not only is the target spell countered, Belucan also blocks conjuration spells from being cast within hearing distance of the music and dismisses (temporarily) conjured things for as long as it plays.
Frore: An old gnarled stick, there is little to differentiate Frore from a pile of dead twigs. There is however something different about it. Lifting it from the ground, it has the heft of a much denser object. If a spell is cast through it, it produces a chilling aura. If a spell with a specific damage-type, such as a Fireball it changes to cold damage. Creatures reduced to 0 Life with this wand, become frozen and perish.
Hierdan: Sitting on Ealhstan’s shelf is Hierdan, a statue of a soldier. The little man has a tall spear and a tall shield. Casting a Shield spell through it will render the spell more effective (it will now block melee attacks as well). Likewise, casting Sword through it will instead conjure a spear that can defend while also making ranged attacks.
Mother Goddess: This small figurine has the appearance of a pregnant mother with wide hips and swollen breasts. Lozenge-shaped and painted in red ochre, this powerful artifact has a profound effect on magic. Spells cast through it gain +1 Spell Die. This additional Spell Die is not a cantrip die and it does not trigger the identical dice effect. Once the spellcaster has spent half their total Power they become fatigued. Once all Power is expended they become exhausted.
Tarvos: A sensation of unease is sure to send feverish goosebumps up anyone’s arms that touch it. Tarvos is an unnerving thing. The dagger is cold steel; a coldness that gives the impression it cannot be warmed. Casting a spell with a fear effect through this dagger increases its potency one step. In addition, any mind-affecting spell shakens the target.

Objects include enchanted jewelry, tools, books, clothing, and more. They range from strikingly powerful to subtle. Enchanted objects tend to either affect your abilities or produce a spell-like effect, but they are not limited to it.
Brass Sundial: This sundial fits in the palm of the hand. Intricate engravings round the handsome trinket; otherwise it does little more than tell the time with its shadow. But to those that can perceive weaves of magic, confounding enchantments form a labyrinth of protections. Solid as a block of steel, at noontime each day, applying moderate pressure to a circular engraving on its underside reveals a hidden compartment. What was there originally is anyone’s guess. Once closed, the contents of the compartment become completely hidden.
Ecgan: The Ecgan is often referenced in Naerodian stories as a mythical object; sometimes a tool of Bogdan the god of craft and other times the whetstone of the great smith Anselm Maur. This celebrated object was said to make an edge so sharp it could split granite. If a slashing weapon is sharpened on Ecgan its critical range increases for the day.
Living Lamp: This ornate silver lamp is forever lit. A tiny blue flame, imperceptible when it wants to be, but undeniable in the dark, flickers on its wick. Speak the name Akhet and the tiny flame flares to brilliant life. The tiny mephit lives in this silver lamp. Akhet produces a bright azure flame and can leap from the wick to fulfill a request. Once Akhet is drained of power it must return to the lamp to rest. If ever put out or smothered, Akhet is destroyed.
Magdalenian Altar: Remnants of Naerod are evident throughout Vale. The court of Erod is built around the Magdalenian Altar. The altar’s heavy stone slabs have no seams, giving it the appearance of being carved out of Erod’s foundations. The ruling seat of Erod is positioned directly behind the altar. Those who make an oath or swear to the altar are forced to adhere to it. Once sworn, the oathkeeper cannot perform an action that would violate the oath. If the oathkeeper should try, they become physically unable to complete that action.
Marble Throne: Miklos, the lord of Fenyovar sits on a marble throne. Like many abandoned artifacts of Naerod, it is designed to appear as if carved from the rock it sits on. Likewise, the backrest of the throne seems to meld into the marble wall of the castle. When Miklos sits upon the Marble Throne he appears taller and more imposing. When he speaks, he speaks with suggestive power. Any who sit on the Marble Throne speak with the power of suggestion.
Null Spike: Tall and cruel looking, this wicked lance has long stood piercing the ground. Nothing grows around it, nothing for miles. In far eastern Greywood the blackened earth goes on and on from the spike in a perfect circle until the barren ground gives way to rotten vegetation. The black spike is an unrecognizable metal. It destroys growth and with time, the circle of destruction increases. To what limit is unknown.
Seven Crow Puzzle: The small sculpture of crows forms a complex puzzle. Each crow can only be removed in a specific way and disassembling it is surprisingly difficult. There is also a secret puzzle, more difficult than the physical one. If a spell, any spell is cast on the Seven Crow Puzzle; the mind of the spellcaster becomes immediately trapped. The ancient maze which confines the caster’s mind is massive, but if the physical Seven Crow Puzzle is solved, the trapped spellcaster is released.
Scinnian Gate: The Great Fen obscures many things. In its north end, broken remnants and dense undergrowth give way to an ancient fortress. Few structures still stand, but near its heart are three pillars. Each has engravings that depict a woman, fae creatures, and a black rose. Just beyond them is the Scinnian Gate. Ruined and overgrown, this circular portal leads into the underground. Roots surround it and cross the entrance in such a way that they appear as part of the gateway. The opening leads to an extensive underground complex. Studying it closely reveals distortions in the dark beyond as if black jewels twinkle inside. Passing the threshold into the first chamber reveals a dimly lit hall. The rooms are made visible by some unlight emanating from its walls, like an outline. These rooms exist only in the Shadow Realm as does everything else beyond the Scinnian Gate.
The Knight and the Dragon: This is the story of Ned. Ned is a young prince in a peaceful kingdom. One day a pesky dragon named Hror comes and steals his sheep. The story follows Ned on his adventure through his kingdom. He travels up the river to the fen, into the forest and to the mountains. The long journey is recounted as a children’s tale. At the end, it’s revealed that Ned is a young boy asleep in his bed and the dragon Hror is just a dream. The story is not unusual, except reading the book multiple times seems to reveal new things in the story as each time Ned’s dream changes. In truth, this old book is a prison. Ned is real. He is the son of Godric, the last King of Storgeard and he is trapped in his favorite book.
The Winter Witch and Other Fairytales: This illustrated book of tales belies a strange purpose. Though beautiful, the art has an enchanting quality with eerie imagery. The stories are odd as well. The theme of shadow and fae features prominently. It is full of fairy songs, poetry, and silly witch chants. Strangest of all, the described rituals and much of the poetry are real spells. Many demonic and fae rituals can be gleaned from its text, indeed spoken and performed correctly they act as described in the book.
Tryphon’s Rings: Tryphon the Ancient is associated with time. Tryphon’s Rings is an armillary sphere. Text describing its design exists in the Tower of Remembrance in Elne and copies buried in the Library of Halia in Tegea. Though it’s only ever been described in text, Tryphon’s Rings is believed to have existed and when it did, it was terribly powerful. Altering the position of its rings moves time forwards and backwards. Its limits are not described.
Ziva’s Trinkets: The Khoro are known across the Hereg, from Crocáno to Vad. Ziva was a founding member of the Khoro and the stories of her dances are still told today. Khoro songs tell of her many bracelets, bangles, and rings. The songs say when her jewels and baubles ring together all would quiet and watch. Ziva’s Trinkets add a mesmerizing quality to dances that charms all the watchers.

Edmund Dulac

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